Thief Girls Quartet is a story about phantom thief girls who steal precious treasures hidden within a giant tower by an evil merchant. The phantom thief girls can move freely using wires. Let's all find the treasure that sleeps at the top of the tower!
World Setting
The time is 19th century London, in a world slightly different from ours. On the town's bulletin board, there are words saying "Mysterious giant tower with hidden national treasures found." In the "Forest of Farewells," where the fog never clears throughout the year, a huge tower reaching the heavens was discovered. It was said that precious treasures were hidden there by an evil merchant. With excitement in their hearts, the girls head towards the giant tower in search of the treasure...
Character Introduction
There are four protagonists in this game. The protagonist girls appear ordinary during the day, but at night, they transform into phantom thief girls and steal treasures.
Game Features
① Wire Action
"Don't fall, it's dangerous!!"
The game's biggest feature is the "Wire Action" control. Players can use wires to climb the tower.
Each stage incorporates the tower's mechanisms, and you must conquer these mechanisms while aiming for the top of the tower! If you don't hook the wire properly, you'll fall into a dangerous situation!?
② Online & Local Multiplayer Mode
Playing in multiplayer mode makes the game even more enjoyable! The lively online/local multiplayer is recommended. There are unique multiplayer mechanisms, so everyone can cooperate to conquer the stages!
Number of players: Local play 1-4 / Online play up to 4
③ Treasure Hunting
There are 20 stages implemented where you can enjoy "Wire Action Treasure Hunting."
Each stage has hidden treasures. Finding the treasures adds a bit of fun to the game.