Abducted: The Night Hunters plunges players into a suspenseful world devastated by an alien invasion. Set in Canela County, where sprawling fields, abandoned farms, and deserted homes serve as the last refuge for a few remaining survivors, you’ll take on the role of one of three unique characters, each facing the unyielding threat of The Grays. These relentless alien entities patrol the rural landscape, hunting for the last humans left on Earth.
With each playthrough, the experience shifts: enemies and resources are dynamically randomized, creating an evolving challenge for survival. Traverse the open countryside and scavenge every nook and cranny for food, weapons, and documents that shed light on the origins and impact of the invasion.
Key Features:
Survive Canela County: As night falls, The Grays emerge on their hunt. Explore the eerie open world and immerse yourself in an oppressive atmosphere where any sound could mean impending danger. Encounter alien forces and face tough decisions—run, hide, or fight.
Resource Management: Keep an eye on your hunger, thirst, and fatigue levels. Physical stamina depletes as you run, jump, or engage in melee attacks. Keep moving but conserve your energy for when it truly matters.
Exploration and Scavenging: Resources are randomly located across each game. Search houses, furnishings, and abandoned structures to find essentials like food, water, medicine, and weapons for your survival.
Limited Weaponry: Melee weapons are common, but firearms are rare—and ammunition even scarcer. Every bullet is precious, and every encounter requires caution.
Vehicles: Some vehicles are still operational despite the solar storms that ravaged Earth before the invasion. Use them to navigate Canela County and escape dangerous situations, but be mindful of fuel—a valuable and limited resource.
Night Hunt Mode: Take on the ultimate challenge: survive a never-ending night as long as possible. How long can you hold out?
Abducted: The Night Hunters delivers a brutal survival experience designed for players seeking an authentic challenge where each choice counts, and every resource is a lifeline. Confront the horrors of an alien invasion, uncover Canela County’s secrets, and fight to survive one more day in a world with no mercy.