Story So Far...
In the year 2121, a space craft seemingly appeared from nowhere and start drifting around the earth's orbit, it appeared the ship was abandoned with no sign of a crew on board.
It was discovered the ship held transmission logs which discussed a planet with useful resources. Interests peaked and the world wanted to learn more about this planet and its conditions.
The year is now 2521… Earth salvaged technology from the alien vessel and created a new ship which is approaching the alien planet. The crew receive a message congratulating them on their arrival and are told where to land their ship. The planet is full of life with many different forms. Once they land, their new situation is explained by the Planet AI.
Earth must now participate in a form of gladiatorial combat against lifeforms from other planets who also accepted the invitation to fight. The crew must now manage a Ludus where they will train fighters to compete in the arena and discover the secrets of the colosseum.
Gameplay Features
This game is a combination of genres including RPG, Resource Management, Storytelling, and Fighting.
• Take the role of Ludus manager and ensure your crew is victorious in the arena, while showing your own style.
• Recruit multiple fighters to train with thousands of possible characters to choose from.
• Train fighters and win fights to level up different classes, providing access to new classes, skills, and weapon types.
• Advanced technology gives access to a variety of skills which can be used by fighters as they level up classes.
• Manage resources won in fights to build upgrades to the Ludus and unlock different features
• Win to gain fame, get the attention of other lifeforms, and possibly learn more about them but ultimately discover why this arena exists and who is running the show.
• Equip a wide variety armor to protect and change the look of your fighters.
• Each weapon type will change the fighters moves and with over a dozen types there will always be a new way to fight.