Embark on an exciting adventure with Bakar, the beloved cartoon character from Aswan, Egypt, adored by millions in the Middle East. In this thrilling journey, Bakar seeks to find his friend Hassouna in an environment filled with greenery and breathtaking landscapes like waterfalls and mountains, and Ramadan-themed games such as lanterns and the Ramadan cannon. Along the way, Bakar must collect golden black diamonds 💎✨ and escape dangerous animals to progress in his quest.
Bakar faces various challenges on his quest, including swimming in shark-infested waters 🦈, and traversing different areas like the Ramadan-themed city of "Fananis," where he asks famous Fananis characters about Hassouna, interacting and dancing with them. He visits an Arabian desert city full of mountains, sands, horses 🐴, and camels, trying to avoid lakes containing crocodiles 🐊 and resorting to riding horses and camels for faster searching.
In another adventure, Bakar enters the city of dinosaurs, facing scary creatures 🦖, all while continuing his search. During his journey, he meets other cartoon characters like Boji and Tamtam, asking them about Hassouna. Bakar's beautiful home appears in the surrounding environment, and in one stage, he meets his goat friend Rashida, who tries to help him in his search.
In one stage, Bakar must drive his car 🚗 for faster searching. The events unfold with excitement and suspense to find Hassouna. The game's challenges also include educational elements like ABC and أ ب ت to cross between stages, along with doors that require specific keys for each door, making Bakar dive into deep lakes to find the appropriate key.
Bakar can walk, jump, fly with a parachute 🪂, swim, dive, and carry educational cubes to place them correctly for crossing between stages. During his journey, Bakar collects golden black diamonds 💎✨ and coins 💰 to gain rewards that help him in his quest, such as recharging his flying ability with lantern wings jet or changing his clothes.
🌍✨ Join Bakar on his quest to find Hassouna by downloading the game on Steam for PC or from the Apple App Store for iPhone and iPad. The game is also accessible on Android devices via the Steam Link app. Fully compatible with controllers like the F310 Game Controller, G F710 Wireless Game Controller, PC keyboards, and interactive touch buttons, the game ensures an immersive experience on all platforms. You can even manage your child’s playtime by pairing the game through the Steam Link app on mobile or tablet, making it easy to play from any device.