By yourself or with friends, try to accomplish various tasks and get out of island! Gather materials, supplies and build necessary structures to survive in extreme conditions. You will have to deal with extreme situations,scenarious and conditions but It's up to you to discover what and who can kill you :)
The game currently offers a couple of game mods, both single player and multiplayer. While playing you gain experience and money for which you can upgrade and unlock upgrades that will help you on harder difficulties. And if you're lucky you'll find some cosmetic stuff in the crate.
Natural Disasters
The game takes place on a strange island, which is accompanied by very strange phenomena. It is very likely that you will encounter dangerous disasters that will make it very difficult to escape from the island. In the blink of an eye, a beautiful sunny day can turn into a fight for survival.
The island is located in the Bermuda Triangle, which was previously used for experimenting with various technologies. There are a lot of abandoned buildings, bunkers and factories that have long fallen into disuse, but they have left plenty of resources
Dynamic weather
The game features a completely dynamic weather system that impresses with both graphics and sound. Watch out for a deep night where the flashlight is your best friend. You could easily get lost or fall into some trap that could cost you your life.
The game offers both singleplayer and multiplayer play in both co-op and versus. You can choose between multiple game mods that will always bring a new experience.
Upgrades and Cosmetic items
While playing, you can find crates that will bring you more money. The more difficulty you play the more chances you have to find a rarer crate. And if you're really lucky, you might get a cosmetic item. You can get a weapon skin or new player skin.