WARNING: Extra Extra Poison contains flashing images. If you experience epileptic seizures or blackouts, immediately stop playing Extra Extra Poison and consult your doctor before resuming.
A simple strategy board game featuring 20 different immune systems! Each immune system field is unique to it's employee, so vaccinate and cure them all! Fight off the employee's infection and get the highest score! In order to get the highest score, cover more space on the immune system field than the opponent. Features include saved high scores and unlockable secret quotes by our employees! We need them back at work ASAP! Also, please no vain photographs or video recording at work!
In 2004 a local movie theater went out of business leaving their employees without a job. Not too long from it's closure a former employee named Bernard Jays decided to open his own movie theater a year later, and called it Bernard Cinemas. It was an absolute success! Since 2005 Bernard Cinemas became known for it's support of independent films and freshly made popcorn butter! Unfortunately during the early years of prosperity, thousands of employees who made the butter on a daily basis were infected and exposed to it's "Poison".
Infected employees over time reported having fever, god complex, yellow skin, and yellow blood. Many have died due to complications of the Poison, but Bernard Cinemas never lost it's reputation or financial support. The hundreds of deaths did not put a dent in the company's operations. Film companies continued to flock, the wealthy continued to donate, politicians continued to protect, and the unfortunate continued to apply.
Eventually, in 2018 when Bernard Cinemas gained a certain billion dollar threshold, corporate finally took exertion and decided to act by creating a vaccine called "Cell Disc" to combat the Poison. Since then every new generation of infected employees are required to take Cell Disc. Those who were able to survive the one-hour curing process were gifted with overtime and of course free movies! As of today, the Cell Disc vaccine has retained many hard working employees from possible death, giving them a newfound purpose to live and serve Bernard Cinemas forever!