Play Fantasy Ball Online with Steam Remote Play Together!
Let the Fantasy Ball Tournament begin!
With 10 Maps, 5 Game Modes and 4 Class Change Options, Fantasy Ball offers 200 unique ways to play!
Gather your friends for frantic soccer matches in a cartoon fantasy world!
Battle with up to 4 players in the same arena, either cooperatively or against each other.
Play as fantastic characters like the Knight, the Mage, the Archer, or the Rogue, and score as many points as possible!
4 Playable Characters with Unique Abilities
Archer: Shoots arrows that strongly push everything they touch!
Mage: Powerfully repels everything in a small area around him!
Knight: Swings his axe to push away the ball or other players in front of him!
Rogue: Moves at lightning speed!
Character Change Options
Vary gameplay by modifying the rules for character changes during a match:
Free: Change your character at any time during the match.
Locked: Cannot change your character during the match.
Automatic: The player who scores a goal automatically changes their character.
All Automatic: All players automatically change their character when a player scores a goal.
5 Game Modes
Rumble: Free-for-all. The last player to touch the ball before it enters scores 1 point
Modes Playable in any team composition (1v1, 1v1v1, 1v2, 1v1v1v1, 1v1v2, 1v3, or 2v2) :
Regular: Scoring in opponents' goals earns 1 point. Scoring an own goal gives 1 point to other players or teams
Offense: Claim goals and score in them. Scoring an own goal earns 3 points. Other players scoring in your goal earn you 1 point
Defense: Players have life points. Claim goals and prevent the ball from entering. Scoring in other players' goals earns you 1 life point. Taking a goal removes 1 life point
Bomb: After each goal, one of the four goals opens randomly. Score as many points as possible before the ball explodes within the time limit!
10 Maps
The Castle
The Village
The Forest
The Graveyard
The Volcano
The Witch House
The Pirate Boat
The Beach
The Ice Rink