Giant Defense: Battle for SurvivalIn a distant past, when giants suddenly emerged and ruthlessly invaded cities, humanity faced an unprecedented threat. To survive, humans were forced to sail far and wide, seeking remote islands where they hastily constructed fortresses to protect themselves from these colossal creatures.
For a time, these giants found themselves unable to assault these isolated islands, allowing humans to survive. However, a mysterious change has occurred. Giants now tread upon the once-protected shores, launching ferocious attacks on the carefully built castles and settlements of humanity.
As humans fight for survival, you must confront the giants. Embark on a heroic journey in "Giant Defense" to defend your homeland and loved ones. Customize your defenses, manage your resources, and engage in epic battles against these colossal beings.
Key Features: - Formidable Enemy Lineup: Face challenges from over 10 powerful adversaries, each with unique strengths and weaknesses.
- Multi-Lane Warfare: Defend against attacks from up to 4 massive creatures simultaneously; at critical moments, you must strategically choose your battle positions.
- Immersive 3D World: Navigate freely on fully 3D maps with adjustable viewing angles that immerse you in the battles.
- Easy Controls: Master the game with easy-to-use controls and automatic game saving, allowing you to enjoy the gameplay.
- Tower Upgrades: Command 8 different types of upgradable towers, each with unique special abilities to strengthen your defense.
“exciting defense game with giants.” - by
GooD-PaRaZiTWhen the strength of heroes clashes with the threat of giants, legends are born. You will be the final line of defense in this Giant Defense battle, crafting your very own legend!