After a catastrophic event on a remote island, the area has been sealed off under strict international quarantine. With most of the civilian population evacuated, a handful of factions have moved in to uncover the island's secrets. Each faction has its own agenda, hired by shadowy clients to search for valuable resources, artifacts, and anything that can be exploited for power.
Advanced Health System
Our unique health system is already in place, moving beyond traditional hit points to simulate realistic injuries. Each wound affects your performance, and in future updates, these injuries will also impact your vision and movement, adding a new layer of challenge. Learning to treat injuries effectively is essential to staying alive and keeping your team in the fight.
Crafting Mastery
Unleash your inner artisan with an expansive crafting system, enabling you to forge a vast array of items tailored to your survival needs and playstyle.
Dynamic Movement
Navigate the landscape with ease using a dynamic vault and mantle system, allowing you to conquer any obstacle in your path.
Day/Night Realism
Prepare for the shift in dynamics as the day transitions to night; plan your strategies carefully, for the darkness brings new challenges that demand strategic thinking.
Fortify Your Sanctuary
Unleash your creativity by constructing your own bases from the ground up using scavenged materials.
Resource Gathering
Harvest an array of raw materials—from wood and stone to precious metals—to fuel your crafting endeavors and fortify your stronghold.
Scavenge and Conquer
Explore a perilous world filled with enemies and hidden treasures, scavenging for crucial items necessary for your survival.
Grid Inventory Mastery
Take charge of your survival with an in-depth inventory management system, ensuring every item finds its place as you navigate the perils of the polygonal apocalypse.