Rise is a science fiction sandbox strategy MMO. The game is centered around a moon called Vieneo. The current game style does not lead you through any story lines or arcs. So it's pretty much a sandbox setup for sci-fi role playing. We started developing on it again about a year ago with a new server and the expectation to offer VR soon!
The ultimate goal of this game is to have fun flying sci-fi aerospace vehicles and trade your way to riches. Players start out with a car making small amounts of credits doing taxi runs. Eventually, with some help from other players, you may make it up to an E-series spacecraft hauling a variety of materials and passengers. Once you profit enough from passenger runs you can move onto buying property, constructing buildings, and mining ores.
The community is terrific. We have some core players that are eager to help newcomers. If you play your cards right, you might even get the keys to a W-6 "Manx" which can go to orbit with 3 cargo containers.
If you are hardcore enough you should definitely check out this game. At the very least it should stir up your imagination.
Key Features
- Unique Game Engine – Explore this huge world in a first person, vehicle focused view. With such a massive world and so much to see, you could make an entire game out of just traveling around.
- Construct Cities – Colonists arriving to Vieneo need help getting settled and beginning their new lives. You can assist them in developing thriving cities in secure, prosperous locations.
- Trade And Manipulate – Helping your cities become profitable by carefully shaping their economy is in your best interests. Trade between stations is key to making your fortune.
- Space As Never Before – Fly into space and experience a physics-correct orbital engine, and see the stars as few ever will. However, you must be careful; space travel is no place for mistakes!
- Protect Your Reputation – You have a reputation as a pilot and entrepreneur, and it impacts the opportunities available to you. If you have a reputation for crashing your ship, for instance, passengers will be very reluctant to fly with you!