In the distant future, humanity has spread across the unknown space, but along the way they discovered the harrowing and unexplainable known as the "Silent Zones". It's a phenomenon where a dense mist materializes out of nothing and engulfs an entire planet. The planet is then dubbed the Silent Zone. Only few things known so far are that once the planet is fully covered it starts emitting lethal radiation, no communication can be established and once entered no ship ever returned. You are Alex Raine, with a background in both navigation and astrophysics. In order to retrieve informative data you are assigned to guide "The Breacher", a remotely operated rover into one of these Silent Zones. You will be doing that from Titan Station's control room which is orbiting dangerously close to it. The Zones are spreading rapidly. Time is of the essence. Every second matters. Good luck.
You must remotely operate a space rover in to one of many silent zones to take photographs of key locations to retrieve crucial data.
Using the center panel you will be directing the movement of the rover in the direction of your choosing. It is a older model and sometimes has cooling mulfunctions, but a simple rover cooling reboot should do the trick. You also have a frequency catcher in case you pick up any unknown frequencys in your parameter. Make sure to use the map screen with coordinates so you dont get lost during your mission. If you by some chance encounter unknown organisms it is best advised to cancel any movement with the rover and stay still until the danger has cleared out.
- Heavily atmospheric making you paranoid that anything could be lurking without you even knowing
- Operate a remote space rover to take photographs of key locations to retrieve crucial data about the silent zone
- Based around the dread and fear of the cosmic unknown
- A short experience intended to be finished in under an hour