In this fast-paced adventure / action game you steer and navigate your way through many different types of Mines each with a different mode!
Equip your Goblins with Swag from their Rucksacks so they can enter the Mine with Style whether they come back or not!
Discover Stories to read about the Mines and the history and events that have happened there through finding pages about the Goblorepedia!
Enter special challenge Mines to obtain Steam Achievements however there is nothing easy about these Mines!
➊ 90 Levels through 3 different Mines!
➋ Different Modes in all the Mines!
➌ Multitude of Pickaxes to equip your Goblins with!
➍Lots of Safety Helmets for your Goblins to wear in the Mine!
➎Unlock entries & read the Goblorepedia a book of stories about the Goblins and the Mines!
➏Finish special Mine challenges for Steam achievments!
Right now They Yearn For The Mines can easily be picked up by anyone and I don't plan on making it complicated so every person no matter who it is will always have fun!
Even if you don't get much time to play They Yearn For The Mines you will always be able to eventually get all of the Mine levels and Goblorepedia Entries unlocked without having to grind the game like no tomorrow!
For those that want a harder challenge however and enjoy the game will be able to do the "Special Challenge Mineshafts" of Mines leading to Steam Achievments but warning some of these will be rough and fury inducing!
If and hopefully They Yearn For The Mines is well recieved it will definetly be getting future updates some of which will be in the form of!
➊ More Mines atleast 3 each with atleast 30 levels!
➋ Holiday event Mines that have Holiday Cosmetics!
➌ Many more Pickaxes & Safety Helmets to wear!
➍ Extended Goblorepedia entries for those lore readers!
➎ Add more levels to each Mine!
➏ New types of Rucksack Swag to wear! (Trails, Capes, Pets)
➐ Lots of Challenge levels with more Steam Achievments!
To each and every one of you that has a go at They Yearn For The Mines thank you and I hope there is some good feedback, I appreciate you all this is my first ever Steam release of a game and is exciting but also scary just knowing how games can be recieved.
As an indie dev and a new one I know I cant have the most polished and beautiful work of art but lets hope in the future and with you guys help They Yearn For The Mines can turn into an amazing fun game with countless things to do while you spend your time in it I will definetly be actively updating for the foreseeable future!