Try to survive in Giant Valley
In this story-driven single-player first-person survival shooter, you are sent to an island full of dinosaurs as a special investigator for the Sentinel Agency to solve three murders in the theme park. During your investigation, it quickly becomes clear that your goal has changed - you must survive!
Get ready for an exciting combat experience
You have various ways of surviving dangerous situations: Sneak carefully through deadly scenarios or shoot your way through with brute force against ancient hunters that are much stronger and faster than humans. The skill tree as well as various weapons, armour and consumables give you the opportunity to play the game the way you want.
Hardcore survival mechanics
You have to eat, drink and rest in the safe rooms to save your respawn point. If you die, you will return to your last respawn point without your equipment. But don't worry, you can get your gear back and the world is dynamic. No two playthroughs are the same, as the weapons and equipment you can find keep changing.
Follow the clues
Solve key puzzles to access new hidden sections. Discover the first crime scenes for which you were summoned to the island. No two playthroughs will be the same, as the game world keeps changing at certain points. Use clues to find legendary equipment to be better equipped against both human and primeval enemies.
Save those who can be saved
There will be some survivors who need your help. They will reward you with information and clues, as well as important items of equipment. However, each character has their own secrets and motivations to pursue their own goals, so be on your guard!
Take up the challenge
You will have to do everything in your power to leave the island in one piece. Find out what's really going on in Giant Valley and uncover the island's secrets, and if a dinosaur discovers you, run away... Or pull out a powerful weapon and shoot!