What Lurks Inside is a tense, semi-cooperative role-playing survival game about exploring, destroying, and escaping a mysterious scientific facility… or about disguising yourself to sabotage and undermine the foolish humans who have wandered into your lair. Where to go? What to gather? Who to trust? Use your cunning and judgement to make sure that you make it out alive…
Play either multiplayer or singleplayer, with AI-controlled teammates and enemies.
Ever-shifting corridors and rooms to explore and exploit, different on every playthrough.
Powerful environmental features to turn against your enemies.
Makeshift weapons and teamwork for human players.
Fast-travel and traps for the monster. Set up a plan several rooms in advance, or lay in wait to spring an ambush.
Wide variety of objectives to achieve or undermine, from destroying research to killing other monsters, roaming about the facility, and setting the laboratory’s self-destruct sequence. The more you accomplish the greater your chances of victory!
Four bodies in environmental suits descend into the facility… but only three of them are human. Which of your teammates is the monster? Cooperate with the other humans (hopefully) to complete objectives and escape through the emergency exit. Destroy research, and then the facility itself to ensure that these nightmarish mistakes are never repeated!
The humans have no idea what you’ve got planned for them. As the monster, use special Bio-Growths to fast-travel around the facility, setting up traps and plotting vicious ambushes. Pick off your companions one by one, or all at once in a grand master-scheme! Sabotage their attempts to destroy research and protect your fellow abominations from their attacks. When the moment is right, shapeshift back into your true, monstrous form, and tear them to ribbons before escaping to the surface to spread chaos and carnage!